Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Food Weekend

Food weekend. or Fookend.

It was a nice cool Saterday evening. Normally i would grill when i feel in the mood to cook as i did on this night but i wanted to mix things up a bit. Proberly cause of the fact I'm poor and there was much of anything when it came to food in the house. I looked in the freezer and saw there was some stew meet. I sat it out so it could thaw while I contenplated on what to do. I really had no clue what I was doing so I had to seek help of some kind to make something taste good out of this. So I called the best expert i knew on stew making, my sister. I called her up and he ran threw a few ideas on what to do. I headed to the store to track some of the ingreedences that I didn’t have. Some vegtibuls spices and the sercrect ingreedent, molasus. Mean while i called my girlfriend to make sure she would want to eat some before jumping off the deep end to complete this project. Ouce I had her on boat with the project I went gung hoe on making my first stew. Just the right tempura, a pinch of this, not to much of that.  Ok maybe that was way to much spice. It was to late now. It was in the stew. 3 hours later I tasted this final project and it was delishous. Not bad for my first try. Other then a little to much molasus it turned out pretty good. So it would seem I’m a successful cook. The bad thing now is that my girlfriend always want me to cook now. The past year I have develoved a cooking habit and she seems like I’m the better cook and wants me to cook most of the time. I come from a a family that the men didn’t do the cooking. So it’s a new expireance. I’m not sure how I feel about that either. “Why did the house wife cross the road? Who cares why isn’t she in the kitchin?” Thanks to my sister and girlfriend It would not have been porssable to me to complete such a great stew. I cant wait to eat some more of it tonight. It consistes of stew meat, corn, peas, water, beef boulion, molasas, oragao, onion, thyne, and basile.  After one hour and thirty minutes cooked on med to low it was done. I can taste it now!

Now that I have confindedacne of making things from scratch, I made up the rest of the stew meat last night with pinapple and apples. Made it into a quick stir fry. That was a fail. That would have been better on a shishabob then a stir fry. Apples don’t cook well. They were granny apples. I think a better rout would have been to dip them in a carmel or choclete for desert.
For desert we had taramesue. To this day I still don’t really like it that much and the thought of this took me back. The reason I’m scarded from this is because of barbeque sauce was on it instead of choclete. I have never liked barbeque sauce and still don’t. My sister and I order some after we ate some dinner at a Itallian resterrant in Bolivar. I remember our meal wasn’t that great and our waitress was a very ditcy. I took the first bit and was morafied buy what I was tasting. It has a bitterly weird taste that left me so puzzled and I instantly spit out what was in my mouth. Amber my sister saw this horrified look on my face and had to try some as well. She could believe that taramusue could be so bad. Or maybe I was joking. She took a bit and was equally dismayed to what it was. “It’s not taramisue that’s forsure,” she said.

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