Friday, February 21, 2014

This I believe

This I believe

Conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories are a seasonal people.  They think the gov. is out to get them and most everything is a government cover up.  My step dad leisens to Alex Jones.  He is a big in the world of conspiracy theories.  He has a daily talk show talking about current events and what he thinks the goverment is doing and why they are covering up things.  "Big brother is out to get you."  Alex Jones just feeds the frenzy of conspiracy theories with goverment cover ups with whatever he feels "what really happend." 

I myself believe that the government does cover up a lot of things but not to the exstint of what some of the conspiracy theories take it to.  I think we should keep are government in check but allow them to do there job.  We are all in this together.  This is our country.  I think being political active and keeping up with currant events is great.  Point figures has never been the answer.  Conspiracy theories seem to think most if not all people in power are up to wrong doing in some way.  If you study someone hard enough you will find fault.  There is no perfect person and they seem to be cowards in their accusations sometimes.  United we stand Divided we fall.  I'm not sure who said that but it is so true.  Look at the Republicain party, the Tea Party side has seperatord themselfs and split the republican votes leaving demarcates to rule.  Our country is an a bit of an identity crisis.  Who do we want to become?  I think it is really cool to look over the course of history and see the metal change of addressing issuse when it comes to Human rights.  It is good to see the love in the world when there is so much hate. 

Back to conspiracy theories.  I have spent some time in that side of things.  I grew up around it.  People in that movment talk about being open minded when they are the ones with the closed minds.  Rather then spending to much time and money to trying to uncover the Gov. in someway maybe they should put there energy towards helping people who need help.  Africa is a place of tremendous resources and untapped wealth but people are to busy fighting.  The conspiracy theory group in our country is kinda the same way, to busy fighting about who did what and someone wrong them in someway.  Quit playing the game of tag your it. Yeah, so and so shouldnt have done that.  Be better.  Take a new aproach.  Get in involded and help

I believe there are plenty of things wrong with some of the operations of the government and some of the people in power.  That does not mean I will quit voting.  Just because there has been vote scams does not stop me from doing the right thing and keep voting.  Politics will always be messy because my idea being different from yours.  It just takes work to get sides to work together.  Just because I dont see it the way you might doesnt mean I reject you as a person or think you are a complete retard ;)

Don't be apart of the problem. Be apart the solution!


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